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MAY 2018
Featured Events
SGG Self-Esteem Party
On May 5, Stay Gorgeous Girls is hosting its annual event for teens and tweens. This year it's a party! Join Miss Jacksonville Teen America 2018, Jireh Gerry, for an experience that will help build your confidence and an opportunity to win a $250 scholarship. With the goal of improving the quality of teen lives in Florida, they are taking a fresh approach to building and celebrating self-confidence. Make sure you are there for the food + fun + interactive sessions + more.
Cupcakes & Confidence: Self-Esteem Workshop
On May 12th from 2:00-4:00 PM, 15 young women aged 13-18 gather to learn how to maintain positive self-esteem. They will explore self-confidence, branding, communication, and etiquette.
2nd Annual Teen Summit
On Saturday, May 12, join Miss Macon's Outstanding Teen 2017, Mary Grace Moore, and Christianna Moore, for the 2nd Annual Teen Summit on Self-Esteem 2018 in Georgia. Get ready to not only be entertained by music artist, Silento, but also celebrate y.o.u., which Mary defines as Your Own Uniqueness.
16th Annual Teen Conference
On May 15 and 16, Planned Parenthood of Northern, Central, and Southern New Jersey hosts its 16th Annual Teen Conference. It will be a dynamic and interactive day for high school students promoting: Teen health, Leadership, Empowerment, and Connections to community resources.
Dream Big, Sparkle More, Shine Bright Night
On May 25th from 6:00-8:45 PM, Ohio girls from 4th to 8th grade will gather for a self-esteem event coordinated by Miss Oxford's Outstanding Teen - Lily McLaughlin. They will be inspired by motivational speaker Todd Waites and participate in a range of activities to build their self-esteem and self-confidence. Click here for more details.
4th Annual Self-Esteem Walk
The "Walk On It" Annual 3k Self-Esteem Walk, founded and coordinated by Positive Express will take place on May 26, 2018 in Missouri City,Texas. The walk is designed to bring awareness to girls and boys about self-esteem and how not to allow their past define them. If you're in Texas, join them and walk on things that hinders your positive self-view.